

What is Breath work

Breathwork is a a conscious breathing practice that supports somatic healing. This active meditation promotes the release of limiting beliefs, stronger connection, healing in the nervous system and more.
Breathing has been used world wide for healing in many indigenous cultures. You can especially see African and Asian influences in the modern practice of today.

The following is a short list of reasons people choose to practice breathwork:

  • Emotional and mental health support and relief

  • Increasing memory and focus

  • Reducing physical pain

  • Reducing side effects of chronic stress

  • Support in the process of grief

  • Connection to intuition or spiritual guidance

  • Addressing sleep or energy deficiencies

What to expect

Before Breathing: Please have a comfortable space for laying down (if possible) ready with things like a pillow, blanket, glass of water. Avoid using drugs or alcohol before your session.

Kayla will talk to you about intentions, show you the breathing pattern and guide you in a grounding exercise. She will then invite you to lay down or sit in a supportive position.

During: Music will play in the background while you breathe. It’s normal to have emotions come to the surface during this energetic practice. Some people also experience tingling, muscle cramping, tightness in the face, and temperature changes. At any point if you are uncomfortable you can stop or slow down the breath.

After: Kayla will invite you to return to your natural breathing pattern and allow time to slow down and process your experience. If you feel inclined after the rest period you can share with Kayla or journal. During this time Kayla encourages everyone to drink water and stretch before closing the session.



Let’s be safe

Breathwork is not a medical treatment and can not replace professional medical or psychological care. Kayla will support you with in her scope of practice but can not diagnose, advise, or preform any medical or mental health treatments or care. Please seek professional care for any ailment you might be experiencing.

Please consult your doctor before booking if you have any questions or concerns regarding breathwork and your unique medical history.

The following common conditions are contraindicated for breathwork. Do not book any breathwork sessions with Kayla without a doctor’s note if you experience these conditions.

A history of seizures, strokes, neurological conditions

  • family history of aneurysm

  • Epilepsy

  • Glaucoma

  • Retinal detachment

  • High blood pressure not controlled by medication

  • First trimester of pregnancy

  • Severe osteoporosis

Thank you for reading everything above and carefully considering if breathwork sounds right for you.