Want a Complimentary Massage?


Think of all the great small business you've experienced in your life. Odds are, these times happened because someone else shared their amazing experience with you. That’s how I found my amazing hairstylist Meg and some of my favorite restaurants in town. That might even be how you found me.

At my practice I have a way you can get a discount or even a complimentary massage just for sharing your experiences with friends.

Remember that warm and peaceful feeling after a massage? It comes right when you open your eyes for the first time in an hour and you feel your body gently floating back to earth. You get off the table and you feel like you grew an inch because your body is no longer holding all that extra tension. Tell people about that experience. Give them a chance to feel those things too.

My referral program is a real win/win situation. They get to experience a great massage and you get a $10 credit on your account


There a few guidelines to the program.

Make sure they tell me that you referred them. The credit will apply to your account once the other person receives their massage. Your referral credits cannot be used with special offers and cannot be transferred to another party.

 What is great about this referral program is there is no limit to the amount you can earn. That means if 7 people come in because of you, you’ll have enough credit for a complimentary Swedish massage.

So, get your complimentary massage this month. Tell your mom, friends, cousin, coworkers, mailman why you call me your massage therapist.