We Deserve More


As you have probably noticed from reading my blog, I am very passionate about relieving pain. My mother had a bad accident that lead surgery over 20 years ago. Since then she has been living in chronic pain. I remember as a child some days she would wake up and just couldn’t move. But even when her back was out, she would still have to go to work. So, she would cry and hobble her way to the bathroom to get ready. My sister and I would put on her clothes and tie her shoes. Walking, bending, sitting, all the little tasks we take for granted are out of the question on pain days. I can’t think of another reason I’ve ever seen my mom in physical pain. Back pain can be excruciating and depilating.

There is no way to understand how extreme chronic pain is until you experience it firsthand. Watching my mom “just try to get through the day” changed how I view pain. The pain was just there, and I knew she didn’t deserve it. I have since studied chronic pain through classes and books. My view is still the same, we deserve more than just surviving. That’s why I created the Chronic Pain Wellness Package.

This package was created specially for people that suffer with pain persistently. I first tested this package with one of my fantastic clients, named Jane. You can read more about Jane’s journey here. The focus of this, is to improve a client’s quality of life. Jane improved her sleep, social life, and mood along with decreasing her pain levels. Jane is even looking to go back to work now that her pain is better managed.

This package was designed to complement pain management/treatment plans. It is customized for clients with chronic conditions. It includes 5, 60 min massages, take home habit tracking sheets, and progress reports. During the first session we will establish intentions and goals, review your history of pain, and start taking notes of where you are feeling the most discomfort. Over the 5 weeks, we will track your progress, and adjust your goals and services accordingly.

What makes this package so great is that the client isn’t buying a specific massage. Chronic Pain Wellness package is completely customized to the client, every week. With chronic pain, the discomfort changes consistently. So as the body changes, so will the service. Even if that means unique mix of modalities during one massage.

This package has more than just physical benefits. Not only is it more economical than buying individual services, but it also gives you more priority on my schedule. Weekly massages are shown to give better results and I will work with you to ensure you are in my schedule every week.

My practice is focused on your individual journey. We will set intentions together for your services, track your progress, and improve your overall health over the 5 weeks. Being heard, believed and understood are some of the most important aspects for my clients. And that’s what I am here for. Every week they gain more control over their pain.

If the changing opioid laws drastically effects your life. Or if you identify with my mom and Jane, this is for you. The pain might have taken your quality of life, but we can work together to get it back. You deserve more than to just survive the day, you deserve to enjoy it.